
AutoCo is a by-invitation platform for customer to purchase the best in the market ready-stock luxury imported vehicles and brand new vehicles. AutoCo also provides a reliable, convenient and transparent car importing services from Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, United States America and Hong Kong.

Our customer service team is available on:
Monday - Friday (9:00am - 5:00pm)

Car listing is a privilege by-invitation page that can only be viewed by our exclusive customers. In order to view the page, you must have a 'Sales Consultant Code' and register with your name and telephone number. Else, please sign-up here. AutoCo will also assign a Sales Consultant to assist you. 

Indent Order is services provided by AutoCo for end users to import their preferred vehicles from Japan, UK, Australia, South Africa, United States America and Hong Kong. To understand further how it works kindly click the following link.

How it works

Ready Stock

Select the car from the Ready Stock and get in touch with your Sales Consultant. AutoCo’s Sales Consultant provides professional and personalised services to cater for your needs from test drive, advice on financing up to delivery to your door-step.

Indent Order

Select the car from the suggested websites from the respective countries, copy and pass the link of the car to your Sales Consultant. AutoCo’s Sales Consultant will provide a transparent one-price quotation with no hidden charges.

Pricing and Costs

Ready Stock

There is no transaction fee charges for all Ready Stock cars.

Indent Order

All charges including government duties are clearly stated inside the quotation / invoice

All cars to be imported from overseas will be charged with government duties together with other charges, subject to the latest currency exchange. The details will be clearly stated inside the quotation / invoice.

Join Us

Kindly fill up the registration form here. Our business development team will get back to you as soon as possible.